Thursday, 24 May 2012


Its been a busy time of late, plenty of typing to add to the closet shelf, Samson my next novel is nearly complete.  I've also entered a couple of writing competitions, the first being a comedy sketch titled 'The Supermarket' and the second a 15 minute stage play titled 'The Ghost' they've both been e-mailed so fingers crossed?  I've also written several poems to add to the ever growing collection.

Once Samson is finished I'll be starting a totally different type of project based on a series of new kids characters and stories!!! Watch out for 2013 'The Nebulaars' are coming and they're going to blow you away...........

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


How hard is it to write a blurb.......Jesus I can type for England, idea after idea but the hardest thing in the world is to write the blurb! The one thing people read that decides whether they buy the book or not. You have around 150 words to convince them that they want to read your work, has it got them?  Have you roped them in?  I think that if you're happy with it, then its a good one; you've done all the work typing your 100k you know when you've hit the spot! Have a read of the blurb on The Semiotic Networks and see what you think?